Tuesday, June 30, 2020

This morning's Nature Adventure~

 have had a wonderful start to my day this morning when I went out on my morning drive, At my first stop at Peterson's Rocks
I watched a Merganser family swimming upstream and climb over the rapids there.! I think this was the merganser family Tess, Eli and I had found a week or so ago. The adult merganser was with the group this morning.
My next stop was the lagoon where I found Wood Ducks. Most of them took off in flight as I approached them. I only got a picture of one male near the shore. Then on to Blissville where there are a couple of ponds there. It was a bonus location!

I found three Great Blue Heron and caught a picture of one in flight as I had startled it! Also at Blissville
I found three family groups of Canada Geese, each group being shepherded by both adults, one at each end of the younger ones. Unfortunately I missed a beautiful picture of a male Red-winged Blackbird showing its beautiful red epaulets in flight.

Have a wonderful day everyone! Its a it damp here this morning, but we need the rain and the temperature just just right.

Monday, June 29, 2020

Re -visiting a Black Duck Family

Yesterday morning I had found a handsome Black Duck,
but it appeared to be alone, after taking a couple of pictures of it. I moved on. 
However after downloading photos at home I discovered that duck had ducklings at her side!

I should have stayed around a bit longer to investigate! And  so today  I started the day with a purpose. I had determined I would find that duck family again this morning!
And I did! They were at the same location where I had seen them yesterday morning. Today I took my time watching and taking pictures from my car This was a fun adventure!

I discovered there were actually three ducklings, instead of the two that I had counted in yesterday's pictures!
Birding often holds huge surprises for us! That is one of the reasons why I believe that always having my camera with me is important!
As I start each day at this pond location I shall continue to track this Black Duck and her family.  I note that there seems to only be the one adult duck attached to these three ducklings. Mama duck has a huge job ahead of her, on her own, to safely raise these three ducklings and to teach them to feed, fly and to keep safe.  They already appear to be swimmers.
I am posting this morning to Anni's meme "I'd Rather Be Birding" found at http://id-rather-b-birdin.blogspot.com/

Sunday, June 28, 2020

an Eastern Phoebe

I go out birding every day. this morning while crossing a bridge over a small brook I saw a small bird fly across the road and land in a bush beside the brook. I am starting to try to follow flyaways with my camera and I was very pleased to have captured this beautiful Easton Phoebe  on a branch shotly as it landed.
 I love the woodsy looking element to this picture!

Saturday, June 27, 2020

A Catbird for Saturday Critters

I love a catbird, especially when it becomes a regular around our yard. IN the picture below  a Catbird makes itself comfortable perching on our clothesline.

This Catbird wasn't in our yard but near my favourite pond that I visit every day..
I am posting this morning to Eileen's meme, Saturday Critters which can be found at 
Have a wonderful helthy and safe weekend everyone!

Saturday, June 20, 2020

Merganser Ducklings for Saturday Critters

We have had a wonderful week finding ducklings.  These Merganser Ducklings seem to be quite advanced in age as is seems that they have already learned how to fish!
mergansers are fish eaters and fish is their main food. The next picture shows another lucky catch!The duckling on the far right has   has a fish in its bill!
This Merganser Mama has 14 ducklings!  What a busy time she must have!  we were hoping to see all of her ducklings out in the open water and the next day we did!

I am linking today to Eileen's Saturday critters meme which can be found at

Saturday, June 13, 2020

Clear wing Hummingbird Moth for Saturday Critters

Our Lilac Bush most often attracys clear wing Hummingbird Moths year and it has this
This second photo from a previous year shows the clear wings more clearly!
year also.
 I am posting this morning to Eileen's Saturday Critters which can be found at:
My thanks to Eileen for hosting this weekly meme andalso to  those who visit and view my weekly posting.

Saturday, June 06, 2020

A Mourning Dove for Saturday Critters

We have a beautiful Ornamental Crabapple Tree near Bird Alley and its very beautiful in its blooming this year.I clicked this picture of a Mourmimg Dove posing with the Crabapple in the background.
Although I didn't have many exciting sightings this week.  I did see a Belted Kingfisher near a favourite pond.  I usually see a Kingisher there every spring but this year it did not seem to be around!. However I was so very pleased to see one on the power lines above the shores of the pond this week
I am posting today to Eileen's viewing nature with Eileen's Saturday Critters meme which can be found at;


Thursday, June 04, 2020

Painted Turtles Glinting in the sun.

On these recent sunny days I am finding many painted turtles seeking out the sun to expose their sun attracting panels on their backs of their dome shaped shell home.