Friday, February 29, 2008

Breakwater Cat

Can you see it? I didn't right away but my husband did. At first; finding this black and white cat sitting among the black and white and gray rocks of this ocean breakwater was as difficult as finding a white rabbit in the winter on a snowbank!
What a handsome cat this was! Perhaps it is a feral cat, a creature of the wild? It had a bit of an unkempt, wild air about it; or perhaps it was just out for a daily hunt and lived at the house just up around the bend.
editing note: March 1st
I thought this might be a good place to insert this picture below. This is one of my favourites, of two cats looking our window watching a Raccoon at one of our feeders. This picture also ties in well with the (previous), following post on Raccoons.... sort of like a last transitional sentence in a paragraph. :-)


  1. I bet that was the one creature you never expected to see at the shore, wasn't it?
    (I used to have a cat that looked just like that!)

  2. We had a cat like that too, and we loved him dearly for almost 18 years. You're right, this cat yesterday was a surprise, but rather a neat surprise!

  3. It's a beautiful cat....speaking as a great cat lover :-) I sure didn't see it until I enlarged the second picture! Blending in probably helps him eat well :-)

  4. What a beautiful cat!! I never would have spotted it!

  5. Mary:
    It was a fun sighitng. I like cats too and for some reason hadn't thought of doing a post on them before. So, glad that I had seen this one.

    It was that kind of picture in that you had to look at it twice... glad that you did. :-)

  6. This last picture is a real winner!

  7. I love your addition!! Sooooooooo cute!!
