Friday, February 29, 2008

Portrait of a Herring Gull

Maybe a fluffy white Easter Chick, or a child's plush toy left behind on a pier? Nope, none of the above for this is just a regular, everyday, common Herring Gull. But what you see, from where you sit, or in this case, stand, can often can give a unique viewing. I really have never thought of a Herring Gull as cuddly but this one looks like it could fit into that catagory. For a closer reality check however, the photo to the left, above, gives the more common view that we are used to seeing. The Herring Gull is the most common gull that I see; then running a close second would be a Ring-billed Gull, and third would be the Greater Black-backed Gull.


  1. That gull looks more like some sort of marshmallow confection created to look like a real bird!
    It must have been pretty cold to have that gull all fluffed up and covering its feet too.

  2. Yours is a great description and it fills in those missing descriptive words I was looking for. :-) It was cold! This was taken along the coast and without gloves on, my hands were freezing while taking a few pics.

  3. Great shot! It looks like a giant white "Peeps" sitting there.

  4. It was pretty cute I thought; and I was its appreciative audience, thinking it was deserving of a portrait capture. Glad that you enjoyed.

  5. Great shot atop the piling.
    This is the first time I've visited this blog, though I have seen others you've done. Your pictures are just wonderful. I'm impressed.

  6. bobbie:
    I'm glad that you visited and that you enjoyed. I love photography and have become fascinated with what has become my own independent study of "Nature 101". The more birds, and other creatures, and growing things that I find, the more curious I become! And its wonderful to be able to share my pictures with others who enjoy them also. Thank you for your kind comments.

  7. Island:
    The plump looking gull appeared to be so very contented sitting on that post. I'm happy that I was able to share its image with you and others. And the little squirrel was so busy I lost track of how many times it kept reappearing. They both brought smiles to my face! Glad that you enjoyed both too.
