Sunday, February 10, 2008

Evening Grosbeaks

You just know when some birds are around by hearing their call; like the Chickadee, Blue Jay, White-throated Sparrow or the raspy "caw" of a Crow, but I don't recall the sound of an Evening Grosbeak; I don't even know what it sounds like. But there is no mistaking its presence when this large, brightly coloured grosbeak is around; for its colourful pattern immediately grabs your attention. The female Evening Grosbeak is much more subdued in her gray and white sombre tones. Not everyone would call the male handsome, but definitely attractive; yes. They usually arrive in groups and the sunflower seeds can disappear amazingly fast. We have quite a large number of Evening Grosbeaks around our feeder area this week and they are a very welcome addition.


  1. Oh wow! I've never seen those before! What astonishing colors!The Rose-breasted is the only grosbeak that stops by my house. I'd be glued at the window all day, if those showed up here!

  2. They would be hard to miss for sure, but they're not always here so I do enjoy watching them when they are. Glad you enjoyed.

  3. We haven't seen Evening Grosbeaks in our yard for many years. They are fun to see for sure. Would love to see them....would be nice to see something other than the big grey squirrels depleting the sunflower seed supply. A northern cardinal dropped by here last evening just at dusk....a welcome sight on a snowy snowy day/night.

  4. Oh, I'd love to have those in my yard. I don't care how much they eat!!

  5. I love these birds! They used to come to the feeders at a house where I once lived, but for some reason, I just can't seem to draw them here. I miss them seeing them around. They're so beautiful.

  6. Margot and David: Any kind of colour this time of year is such a treat and these Grosbeaks were especially one. And there is nothing more beautiful than a Cardinal against the snow; tho I haven't seen ours lately. Another big storm forecast coming our way tomorrow!

    NatureNut: Oh, for sure.. I always have lots of sunflower seeds for anyone who cares to fly in for a snack. These colourful birds are always welcome.

    Sandpiper: You never know when they will show up and I don't always see them as their visits don't always fall into a pattern but I think I manage to see them a few times each year.

  7. I had a pair show up once many years ago but haven't been lucky since. Great photos!
