Monday, February 11, 2008

What a Gaggle!

Ducks, ducks every -where, and they were looking for handouts. These over- wintering Mallards and Black Ducks at Lily Lake were easy subjects to photograph as they approached my car hoping I had food to offer.

Hungry Duck Haiku

hungry hopeful ducks

suddenly unleashed motion

a stale bread banquet


  1. That's a lot of ducks! Great photos. Love the wing shot.

  2. Anonymous2:55 PM

    Beautiful photos - all! Lovely picture of the deer. I like the wing shot too.

  3. Love these pictures! I've been enjoying looking around your blog.

  4. Mary: There are always many ducks at this location and I was quite sure I would find them here again, and I did! And its always a photo treat to catch a bird on the wing. I see you found some Mallards the other day too!

    April: I was looking for some colour, remembering your recent colour posts, and these ducks really stood out from the landscape, especially the green heads of the male Mallards.

    Sandpiper: I enjoy photography and taking pictures every day; a blog is such a good way to share. I am enjoying your present,'walk' posts very much.

  5. Anonymous2:52 AM

    I just love your photos...lots of ducks for me on this post..and I like the post above on your search for color. Looks very cold there!! We finally had a warm sunny day here! cheers.

  6. A pretty common species but a pretty sea of green and blue I thought. I am anxious for all the ducks to return and purposely went to this spot for an early preview! It is cold here and we have had a very cold winter season...hopefully it will end soon...I am placing my faith in the groundhog's prediction.
