Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Continuing Winter White

Like the prevailing winds that linger, so does winter. Usually focusing upon birds and other creatures outside my windows, I sometimes forget to acknowledge with photos the most influential factor upon their lives right now; the continuing winter white of our environment; the snow. The photo above, of bowed birches, reminiscent of Robert Frost's poem, On Birches, was taken just this past weekend following a storm of snow, freezing rain and ice pellets. We have had many heavy snowstorms and freezing rains this winter. Although a light dusting of snow shows evidence of a passerby, the snow crust is still so hard in some places that I leave no footprints as I walk upon it.
The ground is still snow covered in these woods and when walking through them yesterday I neither saw nor heard signs of spring. In some places rivers are running open and in others, signs of beginning breakups can be seen.
A partially snow covered road can be seen through the end of this covered bridge and along many of our roadsides tall snowbanks can still be found.
Outside my window, at this time of posting, snow is softly fallling.


  1. I am so grateful that spring IS here, where I live. But these photos are very beautiful. I love the covered bridge. And the tracks in the snow.

  2. Very nice selection of photographs. I could not pick out a favorite. Winters and Summers were made so that we can appreciate Spring and Fall (not an original quote).

    You do a great job of portraying the beauty of winter.


  3. Really pretty pictures. I like the bridge shot and the fence post. You seem to have a lot of covered bridges, from looking at your other blog. I know that you must be really weary of winter! Especially when you read the blogs of those who are already finding spring...yet still you find beauty in what you have.

  4. Good morning (or afternoon- as the case may be)! Wow- still looks kind of cold in NB! But man, you gotta love the beauty! Very pretty photos- I especially liked photo 2 of the snow around the flowing water. Greetings from Alabama! Current temp 49F (9C) (at 9:00 am) Supposed to have a high today of 70F (21C).

  5. These pictures are so beautiful. I can almost hear the quiet that comes with falling snow. It would be difficult to choose a favorite, but I always love the look of tracks in the snow. Everything looks so peaceful there.

  6. bobbie:
    The covered bridge shot is my favourite too, of these pictures posted today.

    texas travelers:
    Our winter was overlong. overcold and oversnowy this year; and yes, the other seasons will definitelyn be appreciated with their waramer temperatures and colours.

    Yes, I am definitely weary of winter. I notice a lot of ground uncovered under my neighbour's big, old Pine tree and the patch increases in size each day with the above freezing day time temperatures. It won't be long now.

    I sure envy you those warm temperatures. The high today here is forecast to be around +06 C, and the temperature when I got up this morning was already a -02C, that's progress!

    You can see why I enjoy viewing your 'picture taking walks' for its pretty hard for me to do the same at my locations. Peaceful, yes, but cold too!
