Thursday, March 27, 2008


After yesterday's wintery post I thought I would focus on some of the colour that is to be found in our woods at this time of year. Spring IS coming and you can see it in the changes taking place in the birches along our roadsides.


  1. Spring really was in the neighbourhood today in NB (at least in Fredericton). Lots of gradual melting.....and for that we are thankful. No birds at our feeders but I'm sure they are around. Perhaps the lack of redpolls indicates they are heading north.

    Heading south for a break soon but intend to check your blog every day so that we know how nice it is getting in New Brunswick....of course it is always nice here but winter has hung on too long.

  2. margot and david:
    We have a patch of grass on our front lawn now and each day it gets a bit bigger. I only noted one Redpoll today at our feeders but a few Pine Grosbeak linger on. We had four Red-winged Blackbirds show up and that is a good sign! When I see a Robin I'll be quite content.

    Enjoy your trip south; its sounds like a wonderful idea.

  3. I use branches changing color as a prelude to spring also. Right now we're seeing the dogwood shrubs turning red and the weeping willow is turning yellow.
    I hope your snow melts soon!

  4. Very lovely color! That red really stands out with the white.

  5. I love the colors, and I liked the shadowy crow (although it seems to have disappeared?).

  6. ruthiej:
    There is a patch of grass on my lawn and each day it gets larger and with each day the melt line on the snow banks is wider.

    There's often a surprising amount of colour out there if you just look for it.

    NWnature nut:
    The Crow is back.

  7. Beautiful colors. I like the way the white birches stand out. We don't have as many as you do in the north.
