Saturday, March 01, 2008

The Red Squirrel and the Snow Tunnel

Here's a little Red Squirrel that seems to have found some food under the snow by having dug a tunnel. Each time it goes into the tunnel it returns with food in its hands; you might enjoy watching its quick movements on the video below, as it darts in and out.


  1. Isn't that the cutest thing!? I love watching the squirrels dig in the snow. Funny now they know exactly where to look!

  2. Sandpiper:
    I see you have a cute squirrel on your post today too that likes to eat snow! Squirrels are fun to watch and they are so full of energy!

  3. That is soooo cute! I've never seen such a thing before...of course we don't get much deep snow here. What an absolutely adorable little guy....Disney would turn him into an animated cartoon character!

  4. Mary:
    Its always makes a posting especially worth while if someone on the receiving end is enjoying something that they haven't seen before! So, I'm extra glad then that I posted it. They are cute when you see them pop in and out of the snow.

  5. He sure is a cutie! I really enjoyed that too. Thanks for the video.

  6. Nature Nut:
    I don't often think to do a video but when I do I find its an enjoyable, fun thing to do. A video can show it exactly as if is; whereas words can be lacking in describing something as amusing as this little squirrel. Glad you enjoyed.

  7. I like that you added the effect of making it look like old film. My Canon software has that and it's a kick. It's "historic" squirrel footage now.
    Oh, this is Birdnerd....signed in as my other identity.

  8. I love watching those little squirrels! Wonder what he's got cached under there? You'll have to mark the spot and show us what you find once the snow has melted.

  9. Big Green Guy, aka: Laura:
    How neat that you caught my experiemntal film making! i was going to make it black and white as well, but then decided one step at a time.

  10. ruthiej:
    I think its black-oiled sunflower seeds. There is a feeder just above and the squirrel often spends a lot of time there each day; eating a few, and then dashing away, and stashing away, more of them.
