Friday, March 28, 2008

Spring Arrivals

Four Red-winged Blackbirds arrived yesterday and one Robin this morning; both species were seen in our feeder area today!
Also at our feeders this morning are: Pine Grosbeaks, a few Common Redpolls, four or five Juncos, both a Downy and a Hairy Woodpecker, lots of Blue Jays, at least twenty or more Grackles, one male Northern Cardinal, Black-capped Chickadees, European Starlings and several Mourning Doves. The species count at our feeders today is at 13. The last few days a Raccoon has been dropping by during the afternoons for a leisurely snack of sunflower seeds and the squirrels, both a Grey and a Red, are also about today. The White-tailed Deer will come by during the evening or sometime overnight and finish eating whatever sunflower seeds are left on the flat faced feeders.


  1. Good for you! I know you are happy to see winter leaving.

  2. I love the real time update of Spring arriving in Canada. Spring is beginning to come in full force here in Bama. I posted some Spring time photos to yesterday just for my Canadian friend! :)

  3. Awwww, lovely aren't they. Spring is on the way.

  4. mary:
    The leaving of the old is often
    the beginning of the new and changes are so welcome at this time of year.

    Your spring photos are lovely. If you would like to compare river conditions you might enjoy looking at my river ice photos at:

    old crow:
    When the Robin dropped by this morning I thought to myself;
    "ah ha.. so you`re finally here!" They are always wonderful to see in the spring.

  5. Oh yayyyyyyy! Spring is definitely making its entry. Beautiful pictures.

  6. sandpiper:
    There's nothing like it to "cheer up" your day, than seeing a Robin perched on a branch by your window singing its "cheer up, cheer up" song.

  7. Nice Robin Redbreast. Also enjoyed the bird post.
