Friday, March 28, 2008

Crows with Shadows

copywrite: me and my camera


  1. How did you do that? I really like it. It would make beautiful wall art!!

  2. nature nut:
    I took three pictures of one crow with the 'auto exposure bracketing' feature on my camera and then used HDR software; either the crow moved, or I did, for when the three pictures were merged it had a ghost image or shadow. So from there I started experimenting with different poses and have been playing with different filters in photoshop as well. Its lots of fun!
    Glad you enjoy.

  3. Beautiful images and what fun! I love playing with my pictures, too.

  4. That is so cool! I love the images. They look like stained glass and sand or something like creative! Did you print and frame these?

  5. What did we do before Photoshop and digital? Really nice technique and art work. Very artsy. Good work. Troy

  6. texas travellers and sandpiper:
    Isn't technology wonderful?! Its like having magic at your fingertips.

    As of yet, I am just enjoying them on my computer screen but they would be nice printed out and framed I think. Glad you enjoyed.

  7. Hi Mary- very creative and very nice! Great job! I like them a lot! :)

  8. These pictures are so interesting. Beautiful.

  9. Thank you all for your comments.

  10. I admire your photographs so much,but the fine art of your crow portraits is astounding. I will enjoy watching this new development.

  11. Knit One:
    Thank you for your very nice comments. I wouldn't be able to retrace all of my steps in creating the individual Crow portraits but it was a fun development for sure. You never know what the results will be when you start experimenting; glad that you enjoyed.
