Thursday, April 10, 2008

American Wigeon

There's not really a story to go with these pictures other than, I saw some good-looking ducks and took their picture. And also I thought perhaps some others might enjoy viewing this pair of American Wigeon too. The male is the one with the green, cresent moon shape on the side of its head.


  1. I'm glad you like taking pictures of ducks since I don't see a lot here. Those are very pretty ones. I always like the females as well as the more colorful males. They usually have such beautiful brown mixtures that look very rich when you really look at them. That green moon shape really shows up in that last picture...very pretty color!

  2. mary:
    I should see lots more in the weeks to come so hopefully there'll be a variety for you to pick a favourite from!

  3. Oh, how beautiful! I've only seen one widgeon in my life and it was quite a distance away, too. These are wonderful and it's nice that I can see what they look like close up. I think most of our ducks, except for the mallards, have either moved on or they are hiding really, really well! ;)

  4. sandpiper:
    Its always makes it extra enjoyable posting pictures if its of something rarely seen by others.
    Glad that you enjoyed!

  5. Lovely ducks - we get a handful reaching this side of the water each year, and of course they are often kept in captivity.
    The blue beak always impresses, and that's a serious eyestripe!

  6. Kingsdowner:
    The eyestripe is always impressive; glad that you enjoyed.
