Monday, April 07, 2008

Pileated Woodpecker in Flight

Well, I guess the post title gives the guessing game away, but I wonder if you would have known what it was in the first photo if I hadn't told you? I was standing on a river bank looking for ducks when all of a sudden I saw two birds across the river flying towards me. I was thinking, probably Black Ducks, and had decided not to bother trying for a picture when I heard the unmistakeable wild call of a Pileated. A great sighting of two Pileated Woodpeckers flying towards me and I pointed my camera skyward!


  1. Wow! I'm impressed! I've never seen one in flight like this. What a magnificent bird. Well done!

  2. Great! How many did you have to fire off to get these three?

  3. birdnerd:
    I took about 8 or 9 and then one was of an empty sky; that's about all I had time for. A couple were of only half a bird! They were both moving fast and I just pointed and kept clicking, hoping something would turn out. This was more of a react situation than plan and do. I would prefer that the pictures were sharper but still I'm pleased with what I managed to get.

    I have seen a lot of Pileateds the past couple of months and my complaint has been that they were all at a distance and flying away from me. Today they were flying towards me!! I just happened to be in the right place at the right time. Glad that you enjoyed.

  4. Oh wow! What a wingspan! I'm even more impressed with the second shot with the wings at the side! You seldom see that shot of a bird in flight. What a cool series of shots. I've never seen the underside of a Pileated before. The third one looks like it is taking off and headed straight up. Very nice!

  5. mary:
    Its pretty different looking isn't it when looking up at its underside; I can't see any red anywhere. It doesn't look too much like the one you had at your feeders a few days ago. Glad that you liked the pics.

  6. Anonymous12:51 AM

    Great pictures.

  7. Absolutely great capture. In the right place at the right time, and with the prescience of mind to do something about it.

    I usually just stand there and watch a great scene unfold, then remember that I have a camera.


  8. I like the Pileated photos, but I wanted to let you know that the Robin clones are great, and very cute! I just wish I could click on it and see the full screen version.

  9. Wow, those are awesome pictures! I have never been fortunate enough to see one flying this close. Very nice!

  10. ruthiej:
    It was true luck that day for I was standing right under their flight path! Lucky me I thought!

    NW nature nut:
    Glad you liked the convention pic :-)

  11. I Love these shots, What a great capture.
    I can feel my heart beating just thinking of getting these shots.

  12. ecarr:
    It was a pretty special opportunity just standing there with their wild cry ringing in my ears as they flew overhead; a quick moment in time captured!
