Friday, June 27, 2008

Green Frog

Dreaming by the pool side, sitting in the sun and if you look carefully at this Green Frog you can see the reflection of clouds in the sky in its eye. Perhaps it is a sky watcher too.


  1. Such a special Sky Watch post Ann. I love the cloud reflection in the eye.
    Super catch !

  2. Frogs are my favorite people.

    Please go to my blog. There is something there for you.

  3. Stunning photos Ann, great details on the frogs eye.

  4. Excellent photos! And I do see the clouds in its eye! Cool!

  5. That may be the best skywatch photo I've ever seen! How neat to think of that little frog watching the sky with us :-) I can't believe you managed to capture that in his eye! Wonderful, Ann!! Those are terrific photos!

  6. That frogs eye is beautiful, awesome shots!

  7. Awww, he's so cute! There is a pond where I go that has so many of them. I love to just sit and watch them. These pictures are wonderful.

  8. I have been busy and haven't visited in a while. Looks like you have been busy too. Great photos and stories. I really like the frog's eye. Great shot.

    Porcupines always make me smile, lumbering along. Another great series of shots.

    The Red Fox story was really interesting as were the photos.

    I really enjoyed my visit this time, as I always do.

