Saturday, June 28, 2008

Gull Bath

We had gone to the coast earlier this week and while sitting on a bench having a picnic lunch we were enjoying the view looking out over Passamaquoddy Bay at St. Andrews. There was quite a bit of gull activity and we had noticed a group of gulls in a tidal pool quite close so I had
decided to take a closer look.

I noticed one gull in particular and it was taking a bath! This surprised me, as these gulls spend much of their time in water anyway, but it shouldn't have, for all birds like to bathe and groom.


  1. This fellow was REALLY enjoying himself, wasn't he? Excellent pictures.

  2. Oh, my what a great post. Who would think a Gull needed a bath? LOL

  3. That is contentment for you. Nice shots

  4. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I've never seen a gull taking a bath, and this gull seems to be thoroughly enjoying it. Great photos! P.S. Interesting name, the Bay you mentioned.

  5. april
    Passamaquoddy Bay takes its name from the Native American/First Nations people of that name, the Passamoquoddy. The Passamaquoddies once live in Maine and NB. Today they are mainly located in Maine. There is a poem that you might enjoy that mentions various river names in NB. The poem, Sweet Maiden of Quoddy, is found here.

  6. Fantastic photos.

  7. These pictures are fantastic! It's fun to watch them splash around and got some great action shots.

  8. Beautiful! I love the second to last one where the wings are arched up. Watching birds bathe and groom is so fascinating. They really do enjoy themselves a lot.

  9. Was there any fresh water in the pool where the gulls were bathing? They especially like a mix of salt and fresh water.

    Great series of photos.

    Thanks for the visit,
    Troy and Martha

  10. This little guy looks so funny! But it is clear that he is totally absorbed in the moment! beautiful!
