Friday, June 13, 2008

Blue on Blue

I couldn't believe my luck when I saw this beautiful, small, blue butterfly sitting on a leaf with its wings wide open; and then I couldn't believe my eyes when I realized it was a Spring Azure for I have never gotten a picture of one before, nor even remember -ed having seen one. So this was a special find for me when I had gone for a walk around the pond. Yesterday was another lucky day for I found these beautiful, Silvery Blues in a small patch of Purple Vetch on a hillside where I had gone walking.


  1. The blues are so beautiful! I love the tiny ones. I remember just once seeing the whole lawn covered with them. Keep hoping to run across this again one day.

  2. Gorgeous colors. Those little ones are so hard to capture on the wing. Good job !

  3. I sure do love your blues on blue. You've got such beautiful photos on your blog. Have a great time at your yard sale. I'm so happy that the weather held out for our moving sale. We hired someone to conduct it and our neighbor told us that there was somebody waiting outside at 6:30 in the morning for a 9:00 opening. I sure hope most of it sold. Keeping my fingers crossed. We're having another nice day in Illlinois.

  4. Those are all so pretty! That first one posed very nicely for you. Do you think that they know they match the flowers :-) It really makes a great picture. I love the last one with the 2 on it. Really lovely! I haven't managed any butterfly shots yet and don't have any good flowers for them yet.

  5. Stunning close up shots in this and your previous posts, very nice.

  6. I have been busy lately and have not been able to visit all of my favorites. Sorry.

    You have been busy with the camera. Great photographs. Nice stories to go with them. The last several post are great. You know how I like butterflies and bugs.

    Thanks for sharing them. I feel like I have been on a great nature walk.

    Have a nice weekend.

    There's a party over here.
    Come and visit for a while,

  7. Wow! Could this be any more beautiful!?! I love the colors. How nice that it landed on a similarly colored flower, too. A well dressed butterfly! :)

  8. wow - your pictures are just incredible

  9. Wow, gorgeous shots! What beautiful blues they are.

  10. Beautiful, I am so enjoying your insect posts.. love the detail you have captured..

  11. Well, you may have had a "blue" day but it was a happy blue! Good for you! What great photos you captured of these lovely insects! I love the names of them, Spring Azure and Silvery Blue! They are poems unto themselves!

  12. katiesbirds:
    I love the 'blue' of these tiny butterflies and it does make my day when I can capture them with their wings open! And yes, their names too are special; they have a bit of a fairy tale magical quality about them I think.

    stacey and texas travelers:
    The thing about all these insects and bugs, they have been there all along just waiting to be discovered! Yes, they are amazing in detail and design aren't they?!

    dada harvest:
    The blues are as beautiful(almost) as the blue in some little boys eyes.

    mary and sandpiper:
    They really were very cooperative posing on the blue flowers for me!

    A yard sale find for me yesterday was a book titled: 'The Concise Encyclopedia of Favourite Wildflowers'. It was a treasure find for me.

    How beautiful that view must have been and what a lovely image to remember.

    becky and debbie:
    As you both said, "gorgeous", glad that you both enjoyed.

    mike and mo:
    I think you have 'Blues' on your side of the water too and its always so interesting to note the individul differences, from here to there, as I do with the beautiful bird images that you both post.
