Thursday, June 12, 2008

Manoeuvring Around A Corner

A visual demonstration on how to take corners carefully.

The task successfully completed, its on its way again ...
These beetles seem to be partial to Purple Vetch for this is the second day in a row that I have found them feeding on this plant.


  1. That is really cute :-) He makes it look difficult. I love the silver color of that one...looks like metal. I can't get over the detail in these close-ups. You are not going to get anything else done now that you have this marvelous lens :-)

  2. mary:
    It is an amazing looking little creature isn't it; and you're right it does look like metal. It made me think of Tin Man in the Wizard of Oz.

  3. Super good detail ! I don't think I have ever seen a color like this.

  4. becky:
    It is fascinating getting such a good closeup look and the colour is so soft and beautiful.

  5. It is an amazing creature, and you are doing amazing things with that camera.

  6. bobbie:
    It is like discovering a new world, with a different perspective of appreciation for it. I can sit in my garden while weeding and have exciting adventures; like encountering this fascinating creature. Isn't it intricate in its structure!

  7. These show such great detail. The bug even did you a favor and posed on a pretty leaf! Beautiful pictures.
