Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Black and White Warbler

I found this Black and White Warbler when out walking yesterday morning. There were little bugs everywhere in the air and the trees seemed to be full of birds flitting about, darting here and there among the leaves. It is not a species I see often although the times I have seen it it has been around my home area. Before checking it out in my Sibley's Guide to Birds, I had been thinking maybe it might be a Blackpoll Warbler but it was easily identified as a Black and White when looking at it in the field guide and seeing the white stripe on its crown. The Blackpoll wears a solid black cap. Another feature that identified it as a Black and White was the streaked undertail coverts. Sometimes its quite annoying when a bird turns it back on you when you're trying to get a good picture of it, but in this case it worked out to my advantage.


  1. Good piece of ID work there Ann.

    We have been thinking of publishing a specialist bird guide, with photos of the back-ends of departing birds, since that's the way we usually see them.

    In the case of the B&W Warbler, that would be all that's needed.

    I suppose we could add information on alarm calls too.

  2. Beautiful little bird! You see so many nice warblers! Good thing it "mooned" you for help in identification. Love Kingsdowner's comment! That would be a guide we could all use.

  3. kingsdowner and mary:
    When the publishers call for rear views just let me know and I shall have lots to contribute :-) When I see a bird that I want to desperately capture a photo o fI just hold the button down and photograph any angle or view within the burst. Its amazing, and even ridiculous, what you get some tmes.

  4. Anonymous11:09 AM

    And to all posters above, too - I'm assuming (or hoping) you have seen either of the two hilarious volumes of "The Field Guide to Little Known and Seldom Seen Birds of North America"? Total goofiness! Anyway, great shot of the "important parts" on this one.

  5. If Life gives you lemons...
    Good shots that way!
    Cheers, Klaus

  6. I think the photo of the warbler mooning you is hilarious! Great shot!

  7. I have many very clear bird booty shots...Good Id..I have never seen any warblers here..but I am pretty new to it, so they may be here somewhere..

  8. LOL@ the tail end of that bird. I've got a lot of Lorikeet tail ends. :-D
