Tuesday, December 09, 2008

Blue Jays

Blue Jays! They're everywhere, looking for food! At -18 C this morning, with temperature rising slowly, we have birds everywhere. Tomorrow the forecast is calling for +11C and rain. Its seems to be that kind of pre-winter. This has been our third snowfall, the previous two have melted away. We shall see tomorrow if this white ground cover we presently have will disappear also.
I enjoy photo editing. Above three Blue Jays from three different photos, merged into one.


  1. Anonymous12:06 PM

    Love the jays and that is very creative..I need to explore photo editing...

  2. Wow! Such neat photos of the Jays. Wonderful job on the editing, too.

  3. You are so clever! You didn't need to confess to your photo editing job. I really like your header. Don't tell me you did the same thing there.

  4. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Great shots1 The top one really catches the look of "corvid intelligence"!

  5. ruth:
    The header is obviously a composite, with the words and title, so I didn't feel the need to state the obvious about that. But yes,the little Nuthatch was on a tree just like that one, I just moved it a little closer.

    I think photo editing is a work of art just as photography is, and I always like to acknowledge that feature of my presentation if I alter the composition of the photo.
    Glad that you enjoyed. Thanks for your comment.

  6. Deborah:
    I have shared many a bonding moment with a momentary glance of recognition when I know my presence had been acknowledged.

  7. I love the photo merge of the bluejays! Good work.

    I just now (home sick) tried a version of photoshop that's been kicking around for a few years. I can't seem to do anything with it so far that really improves or enhances my photos. At this point, I have no idea how you merged those photos together, but it'll be a fun indoor pursuit to learn how!

    Thanks, as always. I really enjoy your photos.

  8. pagan sphinx:
    I have an older version of, Microsoft Picture It #7, that I use sometimes for photo editing. I probably had bought the software in the 90's.

    The procedure is really simple actually. I crop around a single bird, delete the rest of the picture, then drag my cropped photo onto the photo which I use as a base. In this case the bird nearest the top was on the base photo I used, and I just added the other two.

    This can probably be done with PhotoShop somehow, maybe through Layering?, although I haven't tried it there. But its always fun experimenting!

    Hope you get well soon, thanks for your comments.

  9. I think Blue Jays are very pretty. We have them here. You did a great job on putting them all in one photo. Helen

  10. Blue Jays are one of my favorite. I saw them a lot when I lived in Louisiana and they were such boisterous birds. I do not see them here in Washington State but we have the Stellers Jay. I saw some Blue Jays in Montana but they can only be found there in pockets.

  11. Beautiful! You did that so well. Love all the blue against the white snow.

  12. You did a great editing job.This can be a lot of fun,I've tried a little myself.

  13. They are pesky, but their color is so gorgeous. I have tons of them too everywhere. It has been raining all day here, although it began with ice early this morning! Now everything is just sloppy.

  14. I never saw a cluster of Jays while in Illinois. They seemed territorial so that I'd only see one or two jays at a time. They look gorgeous against the white snow.

  15. It's funny to have you post bluejays sitting in the snow and I posted bluejays sitting in the sun :-) Their color is the best thing out there right now in any background!

  16. mary:
    What is funnier still is that today we have no snow and our temperature is at 50 degrees F (10 C for us)

  17. Anonymous3:14 PM

    How beautiful! Their coloring looks really good against the white snow.

  18. Aren't they just gorgeous! I have never seen one of these in nature but it's so nice to be able to share yours via your blog and NB! Wonderful Ann, thanks.

  19. I came across your blog while looking up Blue Jays and their coloring. Your photos are beautiful. I seem to have taken a not-so-great photo this morning of what looked to me like a black Blue Jay. Body shape, crested head and noise all spoke of Blue Jay, however, this one was really black. Have you ever seen this before? Thanks, Renee
