Saturday, December 06, 2008

White-throated Sparrow ::: for Camera Critters

The strong, late afternoon light which I love at this time of year, highlighted the colour and pattern on this small, unexpected sparrow visitor, making its distinctive yellow lores and white bib easily recognizable as that of belonging to a White-throated Sparrow. I was surprised to see it at Bird Alley for I had expected that most all of this species had left for more southern climes a few weeks ago.
My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.


  1. I'm surprised at some of the birds that are still here in Ontario...or were a couple of days ago, anyway. The temperatures have dropped significantly since Thursday, though. It was -11°C last night!

  2. EG Tour:
    Its cold here too, no snow but -11 C at the moment. I was very surprised to see this sparrow but it didn't stay around for long at all, I would say it was just passing through.

  3. Hi!
    Your photo is wonderful! Our sparrows stay around all winter.


  4. He is pretty. I agree the light is just right.

  5. A lovely picture of a lovely little bird. I wish I could identify the many kinds of sparrows.

  6. Anonymous12:12 PM

    Wow, I just saw the temp that EG Tour guide quoted! We're not that bad here, a little ways to the south, but it's getting nastier by the minute - no white throats for us! Love the little guy you captured. It that the wind lifting his crown feathers, or a leaf just behind his head? Looks like he's a "Crested" White-throated sparrow, lol!

  7. He sure is a pretty bird thanks for sharing it.

  8. Anonymous12:31 PM

    Such a pretty bird out at winter! Nice photo!~

  9. Anonymous12:59 PM

    wow! what a lovely and beautiful sparrow bird you got, mine are seagulls.

  10. Beautiful bird, the little feathery cap is particulary nice

  11. diiferent from the sparrows I know..sandy

  12. Very nice capture and setting

  13. I've never seen a sparrow with that upswept flip on his head. Great shot!

  14. Lovely picture.It looks like he's haveing a bad hair day,or maybe it's the latest in bird hair styles.

  15. Absolutely beautiful! And, you're right - the lighting was perfect to highlight the colors!

  16. nice capture. thanks for sharing.

  17. Ann: I never saw a sparrow with a top knotch.

  18. Anonymous6:31 PM

    That is gorgeous sparrow!

  19. A bird who I long to see, but just not here. Gorgeous shot.

  20. There always has to be at least one laggard, eh?

  21. Great photo. I have never seen this bird before.
    This is my first time on Camera critters.
    Have a great week.

  22. It's a pretty little of my favorites... and looks like it has a crest in this photo :-) I know it doesn't really. He looks right at home in his own little "woods". I have a sparrow I'm uncertain about coming up tomorrow. Took it right before we left town and didn't have time to post it yet.

  23. What a great shot!

  24. Anonymous12:56 PM

    Nice catch reminds me that I need to get the binoculars going as I look and assume house sparrow on the ground..

  25. Came over from camera critters and I love your shots. The first seagull shot below is stunning and I love the squirrel pics.

  26. A great shot with his little crest up!

  27. Very good capture!
    Cheers, Klaus

  28. Hello, I finally figured out how to post a comment - I am enjoying your beautiful bird photos so much. I found this site while I was looking for some photos of a female indigo bunting. My comment is to Me Ann My Camera - are you capturing these beautiful pictures with a simple digital camera? I live in Florida and have many birds coming to my backyard feeders, but I know nothing about photography - only owning a Fuji Finepix digital camera, which I don't really like. I would love some guidance in choosing a good camera for photographing my little backyard birds. If you have any suggestions I would love to hear from you. Thank you so much! - Christine

  29. Hi Christine,
    There are so many cameras on the market and so many choices that I never recommend what a person should buy for I know very little myself of what all is available.

    Instead I just mention what I use when someone asks. I have one simple digital camera, a Sony which I sometimes use for landscapes. Then I have a couple of SLR cameras; a Canon D20 and a Canon Rebel. My main camera, which I use most of the time, is my Canon Rebel and I use a 400mm IS zoom lens with it; and that is how I can get close ups quite easily. The big lens makes all the difference in my results. Sorry that I can't be of any better help.

    Glad that you enjoy my blog, and thank you for your comments. Florida is such a wonderful place to be to take pictures!! I vacationed in the Keys one winter and loved it!
