Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Incoming Tide: for Watery Wednesday

We arrived at Saints Rest Beach today at just the right time to see the magnificence of the incoming tides of the Bay of Fundy. The wind played havoc with both the spray and the gulls flying above, creating a most powerful scene when waves and beach met.

Saints Rest Beach is adjacent to Saint Rest Marsh and is part of the Irving Nature Park located in Saint John, NB
I thought these photos of the incoming Fundy tide fit in well with the theme of Watery Wednesday. My appreciative thanks to 2sweetnsaxy for hosting this meme.


  1. These are fantastic photographs Ann, what a beautiful place.

  2. That water looks so strong. Great photos.....

  3. Oh my goodness, these are works of art Ann.Breath-taking!

    I think thehe first one looks like a painting.

  4. PS: Comment above: That should read: "the first one"

    Hugs, G

  5. i love these! i like how you captured the birds in flight in front of the waves in the 1st, and the 2nd is so well composed and the colors are magnificent...and i really like how you see just the spray in that last shot.

  6. Anonymous9:23 PM

    Wow, these are really beautiful, especially that first one with the gulls flying over the waves. And I like the ... is it wheat or dry grass? Sorry about the problem with Mr. Linky. I keep trying. In the meantime I'm suggesting everyone use the comments as a list of who is participating.

  7. Anonymous9:53 PM

    Lovely! All three are great, but I'm particularly fond of the first one. You captured the feeling of the birds motion quite well in that.

  8. Those waters look pretty turbulent.Your pictures show the action so well.Almost feels like I need to back up to avoid getting wet.

  9. Wow...beautiful place and I love the last photo with the grasses in front and the water in back...

    New Rambling Woods Site

  10. I love that first photo and would frame it if I had taken it.

  11. Amazing pictures Ann. Any one of them would make a fantastic painting, especially the first one!

  12. I love these - they're beautiful!

  13. Oh, Ann these are breath taking. You have definitely outdone yourself. I agree with Geraldine, the first photo looks like a painting-the light is just perfect. Northern light is so colorful-I miss it and the radical tides ( there is just something compelling and powerful about tide that drops and rises by several meters!)

    I wanted to thank you for visiting my blog. I appreciate your kind words!

  14. Anonymous2:42 AM

    I thought the first picture was a painting at first! It was so pretty! I love all the elements in your pictures.

    It's my first time to join watery wednesday. My entry is posted here. Hope you can drop by!

  15. Anonymous3:02 AM

    Fabulous! I've always wanted to go to the Bay of Fundy to see those remarkable tides.

  16. WOW! These are excellent shots!
    I think they all look like paintings.

  17. That first photo is especially amazing. I love how you caught those beautiful birds in midflight fighting the strong winds.

  18. Gorgeous pictures - each one of them. The wind is sometimes hard to photograph successfully, but you have succeeded. The grasses bending in the last picture are whipped as hard as the foam and spray.

    Just beautiful.

  19. THESE ARE ABSOLUTELY BEAUTIFUL!!! I had to read your text just to be sure they were photos!

  20. The Bay of Fundy must be incredible when the tide come in!

  21. Wow...you outdid yourself with these! That first photo looks like it should be on a calendar or a fine painting! And the surf in the second one is really wild and high!

  22. Anonymous4:24 PM

    Wow, and wow! You always have great shots, but you've outdone yourself with these!

  23. Great photos! I especially like the first one. It almost looks like a painting with the way you captured the waves. Lovely!

  24. Wow! I love that first photo!

  25. Looks like a day not to be on the beach! Great images and angle.

  26. Anonymous12:36 PM

    I can only repeat what the majority have said - that first shot is just amazing....you have outdone yourself yet again...

  27. Anonymous3:16 AM

    It was fun seeing all the birds that have been visiting your feeder and these photos of your coast line have a wonderful atmosphere to them...

    Happy Holiday....
