Saturday, January 24, 2009

Fabric Starlings: for Camera Critters

star carried nomenclature
with brown-edged shale layered tail
and snow flecked winter plumage
When completing a project its often sometimes difficult to make final decisions. I was satisfied with my sky which I hoped reflected the theme of 'star' in Starling, and also I wanted it to reflect a northern setting with the beautiful colurs of the aurora borealis which I hoped to represent with the striped multi coloured fabric. I love colour and my favourite artist is Vincent VanGogh, and the words from Don McLean's song Starry, Starry Night, in his tribute to Vincent ran through my head ... "Catch the breeze and the winter chill, in colours on the snowy linen land." To snow or not to snow? My concern in this project was to reflect a winter scene but I just wasn't satisfied with my attempts to use white flecked material representing snow; it just didn't look right. I did use yellow material on the beak of the Starling; and this is a seasonal feature of an adult breeding Starling between December to August; and the leafless tree branch would indicate that this was not yet spring or summer. But to snow or not to snow? I had suddenly remembered some starched, crocheted snowflakes I had packed away just a few weeks ago, after Christmas, upon taking down our tree. They have been used as ornaments for years now and my memories are vague about their origin, but I probably had bought them at a Christmas bazaar one year. So I decided to use the snowflakes to represent the wintertime.
I'm not too sure yet about the snowflakes, but they are simply attached with thread and can easily be removed; maybe they will become a seasonal thing?But either way, which ever I decide, if it snows or not, it was a fun fabric adventure!

My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting the Camera Critters site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.


  1. LOVE the snowflakes & LOVE your entire project. Well done:)

  2. I love the results of your 'fabric adventure'. It definitely evokes a feeling, and that is what I like. I don't know about art, but I know how it makes me feel.

  3. Candace:
    You couldn't have said anything nicer for it is the final result of feeling that sums it all up. Thank you.

  4. Beautiful, stunning, creative! I can see that you are a true artist! This is great and you have a real eye for the colors and the setting. I like the snowflakes. Now...what bird are you going to do next??

  5. Anonymous12:30 PM

    Simply wonderful!! I think you must have really been inspired by this - it seemed to all fall into place so easily and quickly (not that time mattered) - it's just beautiful! And I love the starry flakes!! It looks like the birds are about "life-size" too...?

  6. Deborah:
    Actually bigger than life -size as I made the print out 8" x 10" when I cut out the pattern pieces. Their large size made the pieces very easy to work with and it makes a nice sized wall hanging. The completed work is 18"x24". Thanks for your kind words, and you're right, it did all fall into place without a lot of planning. It just took its own direction with a flow of its own.

    I really wanted to get the setting right, but I didn't want to destroy the 'warmth' of the earth and the birds themselves. I think it worked and I smiled often, thinking of the snowflakes, before I went to the Christmas box in the basement to retrieve them.

    Next I am going to do a watercolour painting of Bohemian Waxwings, but there are a few fabric pieces hanging around just begging to be turned into a Common Goldeneye :-)Glad that you enjoyed.

    Thank you both for your comments.

  7. How very creative!! Amazing!!

  8. What a beautiful wall hanging! I'm from NB too!

  9. Clever CC post! It's beautiful. You have much patience and talent.

  10. I love how you made the bird. That was very creative.

  11. beautiful and very creative. Check out my lizard here and thanks for the visit.

  12. Well now, aren't you smart? Very nice.

  13. I LOVE how your fabric adventure turned out! Your selections of color and prints are wonderful! I love the composition and that tan material with the red and yellow lines on it really make those starlings pop! The textural choices you achieved with your fabric choices for the birds were right on...and the final result,,,which wow, do you work fast,, is very very nice! I'm still working on sketches for my next

  14. You did a great job with these appliques Anne. Beautiful work and inspiring too. I must get back to my sewing and knitting SOON!

    Hugs, G

  15. Anonymous12:35 AM

    Ann..thank you for sharing the process in this post and the previous. It's amazing for the non-crafty like me to get to see what people like you can create..

  16. I am tremendously impressed! I actually like it with or without the snowflakes. The colors you chose are fabulous! You definitely have the eye and finesse of a true artist.

  17. you're very talented. what a lovely piece of art you created!!

  18. we have a country fair in 4 weeks you wou ld win a big prize

  19. Very beautiful art!! I preffer not to have the white snowflakes on it...It's all so beautiful work without them..Nice week//Eva

  20. Wow! This is very unique! I like it.

  21. I love your new wallhanging! (I like it w/o the snowflakes because I notice them first when they are on, but it's a wonderful way to incorporate your Christmas ornamentss into longer seasonal enjoyment!) I'm totally inspired by your creations!

  22. How pretty i wish i could do stuff like that
