Monday, January 26, 2009

male Pine Grosbeak: for Ruby Tuesday

Last week, for Ruby Tuesday, I posted photos of a female Pine Grosbeak eating red berries and the berries were the focus for the 'ruby' colour theme. This week there is no need to rely on the berries for the required red colour, for this bird, this handsome, male Pine Grosbeak is most outstanding with his rosy- red feathers. My first sighting of the male of this species on November 10th, 1999, was the beginning of my interest in birdwatching and bird photography. Now, almost ten years later, I still remain fascinated with bird photography.

To check out other Ruby Tuesday postings, just click HERE, or click on the Ruby on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this site.


  1. I can see where a bird such as his could spark an interest in pursuing biding in all it's facets.

  2. What a gorgeous bird....
    and I also want to say You did a beautiful job on your starling wall hanging...

  3. What a gorgeous bird! I've never seen one before. The coloring is so beautiful.

  4. You have the most beautiful birds that come & visit you. They must fly for miles just so they can be in your company...or do you just put out the yummiest food:)

  5. Such a beautiful photo! I love the colours ... and when they're all puffed up like that. Altho that usually means they're cold ... they are cute!

  6. Anonymous6:20 PM

    Oh what a great bird and your photo is fabulous! Happy ruby to you...

  7. Anonymous6:51 PM

    What a charmer! Love this photo - aren't they the most wonderful shade?!

  8. The male is definitely more striking in looks than the female! These birds are quite the lookers. Handsome shot.

  9. What a handsome fellow, with his soft wee tummy.

    Your crafted birds on the wall in the post below are lovely btw!

  10. The pine grosbeak is such a handsome bird, isn't he?

  11. You do capture such beautiful birds. Not just the red, but the fine red complements of black, white and the perfect gray highlights. You capture such beautiful birds in the Maritimes!

  12. Extraordinary picture of the male bird.
    Next time I'd like a photo of you while concentrating on "shooting" bird pix.
    Must be a difficult task.
    From Felisol

  13. Anonymous8:58 PM

    That is one beautiful bird!

    My Ruby Tuesday entries are posted here and here. Happy Tuesday!

  14. Oh my, what a wonderful shot of this guy. He would stop me in my tracks, too if I had the chance to see him.
    I just love all the muted reds and how his little body is puffed up to stay warm. How nice to see this in your lens!

  15. This is a great photo. I could never get such a capture. He does look cold though, as the others said!

    Very nice.

    Happy Ruby Tuesday ~

  16. Pretty ruby birdie with a combination of colours.

    Happy RT. :)

  17. Anonymous9:55 PM

    He is very handsome all fluffed up against the cold..

  18. What a gorgeous bird. Such amazing colors. Lovely snap! Happy Ruby Tuesday! Eaton :)

  19. a fine looking fellow :)

  20. Ooooh, what a stunning little guy!
    And a great choice for a Ruby!

  21. Great catch, Ann. I perfectly know how it is difficult to get a good picture of birds.
    Thanks to share this one, I think I've never seen a bird like this other than in a bird cage.
    I enjoy it.

  22. Beautiful! and very similar to the White-winged Crossbill, except for the beak. I have only seen a female of this species.

  23. that 's a Ruby Tuesday bird alright! Beautiful. I for one am very glad you remain fascinated with bird photography. thank you.

  24. What a beautiful bird! Such startling color!

  25. I've never seen one of these before. Beautiful bird and very nicely done portrait of him.
    Happy RT.

  26. I SO love coming here....though I don't always comment. I buzz through your photos oohing and ahhing along the way.

    Happy RT!

  27. Stunning photo. I wish one of those would wing it's way over here!

  28. That is a beautiful photo and bird, too. It is a great choice for RT.

  29. Anonymous12:15 PM

    Oooh! What a great shot and what interesting colors on this bird. Love it! :-)

  30. What a beautiful and perfect shot!

  31. Beautiful. And it looks so soft and touchable.
