Thursday, April 23, 2009

Cloudy Skies for Skywatch

This photo of cloudy skies above the Mactaquac area of the Saint John River Valley gives the weather tale of the past few days - dark skies and rains, although the green grass in the foreground is suggestive of how refreshing the moisture has been to the grass.
Cloudy skies were also to be seen in Fredericton above the Lighthouse on St. Anne's Point Drive this afternoon.

My appreciative thanks to the hosts at SKYWATCH. To see other offerings of this meme just click Skywatch Friday .


  1. Looks like you have one big cloud covering the sky..very nice captures!

  2. Anonymous9:46 PM

    Welcome back...It was a pleasure to read your daughter's blog posts and thank you to her for keeping us updated on your health...Stay well Ann...Michelle

  3. Hope those clouds didn't drop too much rain.

  4. Even cloudy skies are beautiful! Nice shots:)

  5. Have a wonderful visit with your grandchildren & I am so glad you are back:)

  6. What a pretty lighthouse! We had that grey weather for about a week, but are finally getting some sunshine this week.

  7. Cloudy but beautiful!

    And lighthouses are always a favorite for me.

  8. I like moodky gray skies - and it looks lie there's some 'weather' coming in those!

  9. Deborah, moody skies for sure. the clouds cried buckets of rainy tear drops... sunshine is on the way.

  10. Loved your views from the eastern Canada that we know so well. Thanks for sharing the beauty of the region.

  11. What a creative post. The first picture is dramatic and magic! I love a blue winter sky. Even cloudy skies are beautiful this is a nice shots. I love your photos! imagination beautiful cloudy skies. I think the sky does look bluer in winter, I agree. Great skywatch photo. Pictures are always more fun with people in them. Great collection of skies. Those are all wonderful sky shots. thanks for the wonderful entry.
