Saturday, April 25, 2009

They're Back! Tree Swallows! For Camera Critters

I stepped out onto the back deck to look at the Tree Swallow house and as I had hoped, there they were, two of them. One in the house and another standing guard on the roof. They return every year and raise a brood of baby swallows providing us with all sorts of delight watching the fledglings leaving their home in early July. Welcome back loyal friends. May your stay be a successful one! It's a beautiful blue sky day today with anticipated high temps of +20C .
My nature search for the day is to find Mayflowers in bloom! Hopefully!

My appreciative thanks to Misty for hosting this site. To see other participant's photo contributions just click HERE or on the Camera Critters logo on the side panel.


  1. I would love to have swallows nest here. Will have to check on how to put up a box for them. Your photos are great and I hope you find the Mayflowers!

  2. MARY< try a google search for tree swallow house plans and the information will be out there
    for you. We rely on our swallows to return each year and they do!They are a source of spring realabity for us. Just like the Osprey return to our river each year and the coltsfoot blomms in my garden. I hope the Mayflowers are blooming in the same place, same time this spring. Have a great day!

  3. That's such a cute "double-decker" shot of those little heads peeking out!

  4. Wonderful pictures!

    I had to laugh at your title. It's the same as both Lisa's and my own - but in our case, it's rubythroated hummingbirds.

  5. Deborah, their cuteness lasts all summer long

  6. Bobbie, hummingbirds already ! Lucky you. Ours won;t arrive until early May. Ann

  7. Those swallows are beautiful birds. We used to see them building under piers and bridges when we fished. Great photos. Helen

  8. Hooray that they are back! How exciting. Great photos too.

  9. Oh how exciting for you!!

  10. I love the Tree Swallows,they are somewhat comical in their actions.

  11. Isn't it exciting when the birds come back !! :-)

    That second shot is cool...

  12. That's great to have tree swallows. I see them sometimes overhead but never in the birdhouse! Nice photos.

  13. How wonderful to have this to look forward to every year! Great looking out the other perched on top.. love it.
    I do love to watch this bird fly, quite an ace!!
