Wednesday, May 27, 2009

A boardwalk lined with birches for Green Thursday

Thid is a favourite photo of mine whichI have had in mind to use ever since I became aware of the meme Green Thursday. It was taken along the boardwalk a the Sackville Waterfowl Park a couple of years ago in May just when the Birches there were beginning to leaf out. They were a lovely green colour. Here the colour has been enhanced by photo shop and the dark strokes filter.
To view the visual greens that others have contributed to this new meme Green Thursday just click on the Green Thursday badge in the side bar. My thanks to Pagan Sphinx for hosting this meme that is so full of promise. You might even want to contribute something youself.


  1. I definately would like to walk here WITH my camera.

  2. With or without my camera - I would delight in a walk along this boardwalk. thank you for taking us there.

  3. This is lovely Ann...I have joined the meme too..
    Michelle From Rambling Woods

  4. What an amazing shot. It's so cool the way the trees line this walkway, like a wall of trees.

    By the way, I think there's something wrong with your link on Watery Wednesday. I can't click on it to get here.

  5. Great shot,looks like a wonderful place for a walk.

  6. This photo is drawing me I have time for a walk this morning?

  7. I can see why you like it so much, it's very inviting, love the juicy spring greens!

  8. I like the perspective of the shot--makes you wonder where the walk goes to. Good one for Green Thursday.

  9. Love all those birches! That boardwalk looks so inviting!
