Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Eagle Sighting along the River for Watery Wednesday

When driving along the river on Monday I saw an Eagle sitting on a small island in the river. The white head of an adult was unmistakable. Then I recalled having been told that there was a family of six often seen at this point along the riverI asked my driver to let me out andI walked to an observationdeck nearby andI was able to get a couple of pics as it took off. I shall make a point of going to this location more often to watch for this Eagle family.

AS I watched the Eagle suddenly took off flying above the river.


The theme of Watery Wednesday is water; for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world, just click on its name.


  1. Wonderful photos, Ann! Getting to see the eagle this close is awesome. I like that last shot!

  2. How beautiful! I haven't seen many, but there are a few in our area. Once in a while I catch sight of one soaring above.

  3. Wow, that must have been a real thrill1 You caught some great action, too.

  4. Great looking bird nice shots.

  5. How exciting that must have been! I keep hoping one of these days I'll see one. The in flight shots are fantastic!

  6. Great photos and a moment you will remember for a lifetime!

  7. Those are special shots.You captured the Eagle in a great way.

  8. Great captures! Keep up the good work!
