Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Wegiela and Maltese Cross for Ruby Tuesday

aboveThe blossoms on this Wegiela plant are very beautiful in their trumpet- like shape. Below the shape of the blossoms on this Maltese Cross resemble the design shape of an actual Maltese Cross
To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. May appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.

Monday, June 29, 2009

Sundrops for Mellow Yellow Monday

These beautiful yellow Sundrops are just beginning to open in my garden, They add an optimistic note which helps counter act the dullness of the many rainy days we have had recently and the wet forecast for the remainder of the week remains rather dismal as well.These Sun Drops remind me of giant buttercups.I will enjoy their sunshiny colour all week.

To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadgeGlancing out of an upstairs window I glimpsed another facsimile of sunshine in my garden. I ran out to take this first picture of a lily in bloom in my garden this summer.

Saturday, June 27, 2009

Common Tern at Kouchibouguac

I saw this Common Tern the other day at Kouchibouguac National Park in Kouchibouguac, New Brunswick. There were lots of them flying around and it was fun to watch them fish. I was really surprised and pleased when this one landed on the railing of the raised boardwalk not too far from me. I saw a photo op in the making! He cooperated, posing nicely, as I quietly creeped closer and clicked. Then he flew off to resume fishing.

Posted by: "Guest Blogger" Riel

Monday, June 22, 2009

Hostas for Mellow Yellow Monday

My husband is very proud of his collection of beautiful healthy Hostas and many of them display a hint of beautiful mellow yellow Our garden is full of them.
To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Snapping Turtles for Camera Critters

This is the time of year when I often find Snapping Turtlres laying their eggs. I have been looking for them all week walking along the railroad tracks for that is where I often find them. I have had no luck but this morning my neighbour, nicknamed" Turtleman" telephoned me telling me of one laying eggs along the street just a short distance away. It was still there on the nest it had dug when I arrrived.if you look carefully in the pic below you can see it beside the street It was quite small and very tired looking. When I returned home Turtle man telephoned again. He had just found another snapping turtle laying eggs, this one was beside the railroad tracks where I had been looking all week!
This was a good picture taking opportunity. above and belowyou can see the turtle spread out in the nest site it had dugin the sand.what a mucky job it was. I will monitor this site until the fall and maybe I might see the baby turtles hatch.aboveyou can see the folds in the turtle's neck.justlike a turtle neck sweater.
After returning home again we went to yard sale and for 50 cents I found another turtle, This one was rather cuddly and sweet so I brought it home with me. one of my grandchildren might like it!and I can teach them about turtles.

Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting this always interesting meme of critters that others from all over the world have posted. To see other photos of more critters just click on the CC badge to join in or to link with others.

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Roof Painters forSkywatch Friday

I"M sure this roof painter must be a skywatcher too, always scanning the clouds for the unwanted dark ones. This was a great sunny day for getting our century old, tin roof painted. They did a great job as this picture below of the completed job showsMy appreciative thanks to Sandy, Klaus, Ivar, Wren and Fishing Guy for hosting Sky Watch
Friday .

A Meadow Walk for Green Thursday

above:A beautiful meadow carpet inviting a Meadow Walk
Walking in the meadow on a soft underfoot carpet of old grasses from previous seasons. colours flutter by landing on targeted destinations before my eyes, yellow on yellow,Swallowtails everywhere, activity abounds drawing me to my favourite summer walking place.
above a Common Ringlet

Thanks to Rambling Woods for helping out Pagan Spinx by hosting this meme on her blog.To to contribute orto see other like- minded "green posts" just click on the Green Thursday badge on the top of the right column on this page.

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

POPPIES IN BLOOM for Ruby Tuesday

Twelve beautiful poppies in bloom for Ruby Tuesday.
To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. May appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.

Monday, June 15, 2009

My Yellow Wagon for Mellow Yellow Monday

Today I am sharing one of my most favourite things, my gardening helper, my yellow wagon. At the moment my husband is using it to help him carry rocks to his pretend river bed that he is creating in Bird Alley. It will fill with water in the spring. I love my yellow wagon, it is one of my best yard sale finds ever for only $5.

To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Chipmunk at home for Camera Critters

While out on a woodland walk this afternoon I had hoped to find some Jack in the Pulpit wildflowers. We didn 't find any but we did encounter this little curious Chipmunk who had been out walking on a dead log which has become its home. Very cute I thought as I snapped away as it disappeared in the hole which was the entrance to its abode.
Thanks to Misty Dawn for hosting this always interesting meme of critters that others from all over the world have posted. To see other photos of more critters just click on the CC badge to join in or to link with others.

Friday, June 12, 2009

A GloriousPEI Sunset for Skywatch Friday

Seen belowtwo little boysare playing tag with the waves at sunset before climbing the wooden hill to Dreamland as they were building fun-filled memories of their vacation beside the ocean atThunder Cove, Prince Edward Island. Canada.Guest photographer, Davis Thank you for sharing Davis, and capturing the light so beautifully!
My appreciative thanks to Sandy, Klaus, Ivar, Wren and Fishing Guy for hosting Sky Watch
Friday .

Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Watching nature unfold for Ruby Tuesday

Above, a Black-capped Chickadee peers out of its chosen birdhouse over my garden area.By clicking on the photo to enlarge it you can clearly see the Chickadee's eye.
Watching these beautiful large poppies unfold is always an anticipated delight in my garden each year.Yesterday I noticed the beginnings of one beginning to open and soon it will unfold all of its beauty and look just like the second photo included of a mature blossom. I shall be checking on its progress each day.UPdate belowMAY 12th.
To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. May appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.

Monday, June 08, 2009

Swallowtails on Lilacs for Mellow Yellow Monday

Each year the attraction of Lilacs in bloom bring Swallowtail butterflies to Bird Alley outside my living room, window.I watched them on the weekend as they fed on our Lilac bush .The complementary colours of yellow and purple created a visual delight.

To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge

Wednesday, June 03, 2009

GullsFishing in rapids and falls for Watery Wednesday

Usually every May our river is a location of activity as Gaspereau moving up river fight the rapids and falls they encounter to return to their spawning grounds further upstream. Large groups of gulls usually gather here to feast on the jumping , quickly moving fish in the fast moving current.The size of the fish can be seen in the pictures and they are usually swallowed with one gulp. I haven't seen much of this activity this year as the run of gaspereau and gulls didn't seem to be as active as they usually are..These pictures are from my photo archives.

he theme of Watery Wednesday is water; for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world, just click on its nameor the badge on the side bar.

The gulls seen in the pictures are HERRING Gulls.

Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Flowering Crabapple for Ruby Tuesday

Above, a Savannah Sparrow perched in the Flowering Crabapple tree.

We have three of these beautiful trees in our yard. We plant trees for beauty and as a source of food for birds, Our Russian Mountain Ash with its beautiful red berries in the fall is a diner's paradise for the birds and the flowering crab i s a feast for one's eyes. Our Lilacs are in bloom right now and usually they host a multitude of Swallowtail butterflies, not yet though this year.
To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.