Tuesday, July 07, 2009

Skipper on Clover for Ruby Tuesday

I'm hoping this pink clover (pink being a tint of red) qualifys for Ruby Tuesday.Amazingly surprising its not raining today yet! and I have discovered there are skippers out there. I am heading out for a walk through my favourite buytterfly meadow to see what I can find of this minature Lepidoptera species! This is one of my favourite summer time activities. Happy Ruby Tuesday to all!

To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. May appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.


  1. Sweet little tucked-away moment you captured - skipper feeding on a blossom! When I do my backyard overhaul (getting a little late for it again this summer...) I'm going to have an area for a butterfly garden.

  2. What a beautiful photo. I love those little butterflies!

  3. Deborah, I find butterflies enchanting! As soon as the weather dries up and my Coneflowers come into bloom my garden will be full of fritillaries.

  4. I'm wondering if we have those here Ann. What a unique shot too.

  5. We do have those here. Very pretty! Helen

  6. Beautiful! Hope you find a lot more for us. I seem to see more skippers than I do larger butterflies. I like their fuzzy look and their big dark eyes.
