Monday, July 06, 2009

A Rosy Maple Moth for Mellow Yellow Monday

The mellow yellow fluffy looking head of this Rosy Maple Moth fits well with the theme of this meme. I found this moth on the sidewalk when out for a walk yesterday. I have seen a lot of this species lately. we have a huge Silver Maple Tree on our property which I believe is a favourite of this moth and that is probably the key to their presence. I will add pictures if I find more throughout the day.This second photo is of one on my screen door taken a few years ago. The yellowish fluffy head is much more prominent in this photo below

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To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge


  1. I never saw a moth like this one. Certainly perfect for MYM! And a pretty thing, isn't it?

  2. odd looking creatures, don't think I ever saw one this close-up, I like the wings int he second shot

  3. What a beauty this little moth is!! The colors in that second photo are quite stunning!! I wonder what Mother Nature's reasoning is for the fluff ball head?

  4. What amazing beauty in one so small and seemingly insignificant!

  5. That is a pretty moth.Can't say I've ever seen one.We too have a Silver Maple on our yard,perhaps some day one will show up.

  6. Absolutely beautiful!

  7. Great photos! I always think these are the most amazing moths that I've ever seen! I have never seen any in my silver maple....will have to start looking. I would love to see one of these beautiful moths with their shaggy heads!

  8. What gorgeous colors on the 2nd picture. It looks so similar to the Gypsy moth we have here, although it's white.

  9. Very pretty moth. I have never seen one like this before. I took a picture of a very white silvery one but it is different from yours. Helen
