Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Common Mergansers for Watery Wednesday.

Each year Common Mergansers nest along our river. I am used to seeing the female Megansers with their broods along the river. This year I have had very few sightings. One day last week while crossing the highway bridge by car I saw a group of them in the river below.. Their reddish heads made their id unmistakable! They only stayed there long enough for me to get thid group photo before they swam away. I have been looking every day since the sighting since but have not seen them again.

The theme of Watery Wednesday is water; for a wonderful variety of watery scenes from other bloggers around the world, just click on its name.


  1. I'll keep an eye out here, too, we should have them before long. I had geese this morning.

  2. It seems to be a day of geese, in pictures at least. Very nice shots.

  3. Very nice....I wish I would see some of them here.
