Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Mountain Ash berries for Ruby Tuesday

ITS harvest time again for all the birds and wildlife that gather their food from Nature's bounty. You may have to click on these pictures to enlarge it to see the three waxwings gathered on the branches of this lush Mountain Ash tree. The berries on our tree in our yard have already disappeared to a flock of hungry Robins on the weekend.

To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme

Happy ruby Tuesday!


  1. I love waxwings....this tree would be wonderful to have! So pretty and attracting waxwings is a big bonus.

  2. The Mountain Ash berries last a long time in our mountains as the preferred berries for the birds are Service berries, huckleberries, chokecherrys and rose hips before them. Our bushes are loaded with them this year.
    Great pictures and post.

  3. Nature has a way of providing so well for the birds.These berries are pretty while on the trees.

  4. We don't have mountain ash. I would love to have that beautiful tree. Our birds are really going for the dogwood berries. But, there seems to be plenty to go around.
