Monday, September 14, 2009

Spotted Salamander for Mellow Yellow Monday

I seldom see a salamander. Yesterday we were looking along an old country road in a dry ditch searching for rocks to strengthen the area where we had put up a fence and my husband overturned a large rock and called out to me. " You better come and look at this!" I had just mentioned to him a few minutes earlier thatI had nothing to post for Mellow Yellow. I was delighted when I saw what he had found and viewed this magnificently designed creature with its yellow spots on black! I have since learned that this is the largest salamander in New Brunswick and the only one of the Salamander species with yellow spots! This species is widely distributed in New Brunswick. As we continued on gathering rocks he found another spotted salamander and a small black snake which probably was a garter snake, that I did not see as I had wandered away from where he was working.
Happy Monday to all To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below. MellowYellowBadge


  1. Dotted with yellow,
    a spotted salamander
    lazes in the sun.

    My Mellow Yellow

  2. He's kind of cool.
    And an unusual creature.

  3. Wonderful, wonderful! I love salamanders, but haven't managed to see any around here yet. We used to have "tigers' out west, in the seemingly driest places, too, but they always found a damp spot under a log or a plank.

  4. What a lovely fellow! Good photo catch.

  5. Growing up in rural Vermont we would occasionally find these in our dirt cellar. We always thought of them as good luck.

  6. wow....I've never seen one of these! he looks like someone had fun painting spots on him :-) How cool! What a lucky Mellow Yellow find!
