Thursday, December 24, 2009

Ater the Snowstorm

This statusstorm was more than a few shovelfuls. It definitely was a heavy equipment snowstorm. Next, we must bundle up and venture outside to clean off our vehicles. " brrr." The street looks good: black and clear, making it possible for us to plan on doing some Christmas Day visiting tomorrow. We are having Christmas dinner tonight so the festive days are definitely beginning A sunny day is forecast for tomorrow and the next few days! Hopefully this storm system has rid itself of all of its snow by now. All the best of the season to all. Have a safe and Merry Christmas! Hopefully some little northern bird visitors will make themselves known to me today in Bird Alley.


  1. Boy, you got the snow - we got the cold. Merry Christmas to you and your loved ones.

  2. Serious Cannuck snow.

    Hope you have a great Christmas Ann!

  3. Wow! I'm impressed! My daughter just called from Chicago and said the snow expected turned to rain which made for easier driving. However, you've got the whiter Christmas! Have a very wonderful, happy and HEALTHY Christmas, Ann!

  4. Christmas Blessings to you and yours.I hope that is all the snow for a while.

  5. Stay safe! That's a lot of snow. Brrrr.

  6. You did get alot of snow didn't you. We've had freezing rain most of the day, but tomorrow it is supposed to change over to all snow. Back to winter time mode.
    I hope you all had a Merry Christmas, and throughout the New Year have inner peace, joy, and continued good health.
