Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Northern Shrike today

Today has been and still is a very snowy day, fulfilling the weatherman's winter storm warning prediction of up to 25 cm of snow for today!making our trees in Bird Alley a winter wonderland scene! Whwn "lo and behold", much to my surprise I saw a handsome first winter sighting of a Northern Shrike in our trees in Bird Alley. Thses pictures are from an old 2007 photo file but they show the bird and trees exactly as how they looked today. The only action we saw from this predataor was of it flyingabout from branch to branch,. Th only other birds we saw today were little Tree Sparrrows and Goldfnch. I'm wondering where all the little Redpolls are?Tomorrow will be a very busy day digging our vehicles out from under all this snow!


  1. Great shots.Stay safe in all that snow.

  2. That's a lot of snow you got there! I've never seen a Shrike...interesting!

  3. I've never seen this bird before. Must be we don't have them in our area.

  4. Great sighting of the Northern Shrike. It is a cool looking bird.

  5. Very nice! We have the Loggerhead Shrikes down here in Alabama- but I don't think that I have ever seen the Northern Shrike before. Very nice- thanks for posting these. It looks like you have a bit more snow then we have- especially since we haven't been having any. :) It seems like we are one of the few spots in North America that hasn't been getting any snow. The photos of the big snow storms have been beautiful.

    Keep warm and I hope that you and yours have a great 2010!
