Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Minature strawberry tea set for Ruby Tuesday

Out of season you might think," yes , maybe," but it is the season of giving and I have a sweet little two year old grandaughter who loves strawberries and serving me pretend tea and when I bought this tiny ornamental tea set I thought of her. but it looks too realistic and I think it will stay in my china cabinet until she is older. the strawberries look too realistic and yummy. They might be too tempting to her. In the picture below you can see the little sugar bowl is rather bitesize, so I will continue on with my plan of making her her own personalized ABC book and include a picture of the tea set for" S is for strawberries"

To check out other postings on Ruby Tuesday just click on the Ruby logo on the side bar. My appreciative thanks to Mary/the teach for hosting this meme.


  1. Yes, lovely set, but way too snackable!!

  2. It's a beautiful set but I agree it is to dangerous for little hands and mouths at this time. You never know what they will try. Helen

  3. Eiel
    I shall use it for sn slphabet card

  4. What an adorable tea set! I'd like to come drink tea from it myself :-) She'll love it and your book, too.

  5. Anonymous1:27 PM

    She will truly appreciate this little tea set when she gets older. I think it beautiful, a great find. rlr

  6. What a FUN choice to share for Ruby Tuesday ;-)
    Hugs and blessings,
    My Ruby Tuesday

  7. That is too cute.I think the china cupboard is the right place for this now.:)

  8. What an adorable little tea set Ann, and how lovely to be able to share it with your granddaughter. I would love that set in my china cabinet. I bought a miniature tea set for my niece when she was a little girl and her mother put it on display - out of reach - until she was old enough to appreciate it. They become treasured heirlooms.

  9. Hi Ann,

    heheheh, I went to the fridge to get straw berries, It is summer here, the new season for strawberries,

    Like your collection.

    Ann from NZ
