Sunday, December 06, 2009

Snow today, still on the ground

Our snow covered ground this morning has prompted this winter memory for me:
piecing together
computerized visual art
fragments from my mind

Remembering the brief rapture of stolen moments
between after school chores and suppertime

cold wind on my face
exhilaration of speed
sliding memories

rushing headlong, down the snowy hill
climbing up again, only to fly downward once more
each time the upward climb becoming slower and s l o w e r

then the call to supper

with red rosy cheeks and chaffed wrists
from snow clotted mittens
we would rush indoors to the parlor wood stove
remove our felts from snow clogged boots
and hang our melton snow pants nearby to dry
in readiness for another winter's day

note; I have posted a link to my daughter, Riel's new blog at the top of the right hand column.


  1. Wonderful memories Ann. Thanks for the link to your daughter's new blog. I will take a look right after I leave here. Have a great week.

  2. Those memories are precious.It seems the snow hills are harder to climb by now.:)

  3. Nice memories--I remember the excitement of the first snow well. Thanks for link to your daughter's blog--will check it out.

  4. That is a great composition photo. Thanks for the ongoing free advertising. ;-)

  5. Very well done, Ann! Brings back memories of my own sledding.

  6. How clever Ann. I love reading about old memories. I can say old now that I am...
