Saturday, February 27, 2010

"Daily" Nature notes for Photo Hunter

For several years before I started blogging I kept a daily record of nature sightings each day. I included a list of all the yard birds seen that day anda daily species sightings check list as well as pictures taken that would hifghlight each day . Then sfter the accumulated pages got to bedifficult to keep in order I would create a cover for the time periodand have them bound with a plastic coil binding. If you click on the above photo you can see the time period I recordered was for the winter months of December 2001, January 2002 . Below is my daily page entry for February 27th,2002. We had had rain all day long and I had seen three coyotes that day, We had had 11 different species at our feeders that day including a Northern Cardinal A white and a red breasted Nuthatch, also a Redpoll ( I have seen none this winter) It is interesting to look back and to compare sightings of previous winter. If I kept daily nature notes this winter I might have quite a few blank pages as this winter has been quite lacking in birds at our feeders. Each page might include only Chickadees, Goldfinch and aHairy Woodpecker and occassionally a Mourning Dove.
Anyway this is my contribution to the meme photo hunter where the topic featured today is "daily. To learn more of this meme please click on the logo on the sidebar on the right of this page.
and February 2002


  1. that was an ambitious undertaking! It must be great to look back on. your cardinals are beautiful.

  2. I too have kept a record of my bird sightings since 1990,but I did not go into such great detail.

  3. You really keep good records! What a nice way to bind them in a book and with photos, too. I used to write down all the birds each day on lined paper....looks like a school assignment :-) After a couple years I quit writing them never varied too much from year to year. Now I guess my record is my photos and my blog.

  4. That takes some discipline. Way to go. Sorry I'm a day late getting to your post, but great take on the theme.
