Sunday, February 28, 2010

Shadow memories of summer for Shadow Shot Sunday

I love Hollyhocks. While growing up on the farm, some of my earliest memories are of hollyhocks. They grew just ouside the back door by the side of our house. In the first picture above I am standing in front of hollyhocks on our old home. The cute little boy beside me is my husband David. Although I didn't meet David until I was 21 , through the magic of photo editing I have added him to the old picture.Today we have hollyhocks growing in a flower bed beside our garage and on any sunny day in winter I can see the shadow of one of their dry stalks with seed pods reflected in shadow against our garage. Also the shadow of a Juniper tree can be seen.. This shadow is a very pleasant reminder to me of what is to come with the return of summer and the changing of the seasons.
To learn more of Shadow Shot Sunday and perhaps to make your own contribution please click on the icon on the right sidesbar of this page to go to the meme homepage. Happy Shadow watching to all. Ann


  1. I like your creative photo work.I too enjoy the Hollyhocks just outside our front door in summer.

  2. Love the pic of you and Dad. Nice Canada icon on the side too! We saw 2 goldeneyes in the river today ... it seems to me it was about this time last year we saw them.

  3. Riel, its so nice to hesr about there being Goldeneye to see. I'll have to check my favourite place to see if there sre sny there.
    Maybe we can see some on Fridsy.

  4. I'm impressed with your addition of David in our first photo and I love the shadows in your second. Have a great week Ann.

  5. How clever you are to be able to put two photos together like that! I wouldn't have noticed if you hadn't told us. Nice job!
