Monday, March 15, 2010

A Tree Sparrow: today's birding surprise!

The Tree Sparrow was here again today!

The identifying feature is the bicoloured bill. Before downloading the pictures I knew it was either a Tree or Chipping Soarrow. The bi-coloured bill determined my id., but I don't see any center dark spot on its breast which is also an identifiable feature of a Tree Sparrow . Its too early for a Chipping Sparrow although our location seems to be a gathering spot for them later in the spring. Usually we have many Tree Sparrows here also, but not this winter. We had a couple visiting on December 9th, 2009 but I haven't seen any here since then. So this little one was certainly a welcome and awesome surprise this morning! I haven't even gone outside yet today. There is much good to be said about window birding! There is lots of sunshine outside this morning. Maybe I can find something else surprisingly "springy" today! I will certainly try and I will definitely post it if I do. Have a great day, I plan too.


  1. Bring on the spring birds,they are more than welcome.

  2. Such a beautiful little sparrow. I really like the sparrow family and would like to see more of them then the 3-4 kinds I see regularly. Glad your weather is improving!

  3. I had been waiting for Chippies all winter, but they never did stop by, and we had 100's of Tree sparrows. Some of them are still here.

  4. What a lovely little sparrow. Yes roll on Spring, won't that be lovely Ann? :)
