Monday, March 15, 2010

Crocus sprouts for Mellow Yellow Monday

Some of you might have to bend your imaginations a bit to see the yellow here, can you see the yellow colour in the middle sprout? I am definitely in a spring readiness mode, especially when I spied these Crocus sprouts in my garden yesterday. They weren't here last week when this bed was still covered with snow, but determination is a wonderful source of renewal and these sprouts glow with healthy colour of new growth. One of my planned chores for this week is to buy some seeds and potting soil to begin some inside plants. Especially on my mind is to have yellow tomatoes in my garden this summer, that is what I want to get started this week.
Happy Monday to all. To view a wonderful variety of yellow-themed photos from other bloggers around the world, just click on the link below
mellow yellow


  1. Your crocus sprouts are beautiful. Mine are at about the same stage.

  2. New garden growth is so encouraging.Thanks for this.

  3. Spring's hope dressed in green!
