Thursday, March 25, 2010

A black and white Loon for Thursday's Challenge

For the theme "black and white" for the meme Thursday's challenge I thought of many birds that would be appropriate to post for this challenge as I searched through my photo archives. I thought first of a Goldeneye Duck but I have posted several of those the last few days and used one for my Thursday challenge last week. I have overdone Goldeneyes.
.But there are many other delightful black and white birds. While looking out my window I saw a female Hairy Woodpecker feeding on a peanut feeder., but no, not too exciting for a photo. I then searched for a black and white warbler in my warbler archives: nice, but, not as exciting as an Osprey, of which I have many photos to choose from; then I spied the bird name Loon in my index listof photos... Ah ha! what can be more striking with its magnificent black and white patterning?! So I chose to use Loon pictures to represent this Thursday's black and white theme. Enjoy!
To learn more of Thursday Challenge please click on the Loon photo on the right sidebar on this page. Have a great day!


  1. Lovely loon. They are so dramatic in their black and white feathers.

    Is your quilt just Goldeneye blocks or are you making one with a different bird in each block. I don't think I've ever seen anything with a Goldeneye in it before. Nice.

  2. Stephanie, I plan on including different duck species, the next pieced one will be a mallard. Perhaps I will include some geese two. Canada'a would be nice and also Snowgeese.I also want to include some of my favourite photos by using photo transfer paper on some of the blocks. I have had a piece of material for a couple of years now printed with ducks that I will use for the backing of the quilt. The Goldeneye was very easy to do and I still have to machine stitch around it as so far I have only handstitched.

  3. You cannot go wrong with a Loon picture.These birds are just so beautiful,I wait for them each spring.They only pass through but at least we get to see them.

  4. Love your new header photo. I saw some coltsfoot yesterday growing in our neighbourhood. That loon would be so great in a quilt. He is just perfect for fabric -- stripes, dots ... I'll go check my fabric stash for you.

  5. Riel, Coltsfoot! Please take pictures and send to me!!!or maybe you would like to be a'guest blogger again for me???!!! I would appreciate it.

  6. He/she is adorable! Great pic!
    I love pics of water birds, especially ducks. Very nice...
