Friday, March 26, 2010

Heather in bloom for Today's flower

I'mso very happy to be able to share today the first bloom or colour in my garden this spring, although if I took the picture this morning instead of yesterday afternoon it would be speckled with snow. Yes, our ground is snow covered this morning! What happened to all those wonderful promising days of spring we had been having? I am hoping to soon find my first wildflower blossom of Coltsfoot. It should be soon! maybe if we have some warm sunny days next week I shall be successful in my search for a patch of Coltsfoot in bloom. I hope so.
To enjoy more of today's flowers please click on the Today's flower logo on the right sidebar. Have a great blooming day! My thanks go to Denise and Luiz for hosting this meme.


  1. Thanks very much for sharing this with Today's Flowers Ann. More snow? Hope it melts fast and the spring weather will arrive soon. We're rainy and a bit blustery in this part of Virginia this morning.

  2. Heather doesn't mind a bit of snow. Hope it doesn't last long.

  3. It seems,those first spring blossoms are prettier than those that bloom later.I'm sure this is because we have waited for so long to see them.
