Thursday, April 08, 2010

A Chipmunk, a small animal for Thursday Challange

This little mammal,a Chipmunk, is a member of the squirrel family and it has 5 very noticeable stripes on its back., 5 dark ones and two light ones. I felt that the photo above displays this feature well enough for the viewer(you) to count the stripes to verify their number. Another physical feature of this sweet little creature often seen is its bulging cheeks. See the photo above. The Chipmunk has internal cheek pouches which allows it to carry large amounts of seeds and berries all at once. They sometimes look like they are stuffed!
This little fellow has been very bus yout and about our yard the past few days, scurrying here and there, It seems to favour dashing for our neighbor's woodpile to seek cover when we are outdoors. It is very fast. It just seems to zip, here and there. I suspect it may have spent the winter in the woodpile or else under our garden shed, This little animal is a seasonal favourite of ours. The photo I took while sitting by the window in our sunroom.
Thursday challenge is a meme with a new theme each week. This week's theme is 'small animals.' To learn more or to participate in this weekly meme please click on the icon(Chipmunk picture) on the side bar on the right on this page. Happy picture taking all taking to all!


  1. Just saw a single chipmunk in the yard today - they must be coming back around for spring! The cats love to watch their antics from indoors!

  2. He's cute and those cheeks look over stuffed.

  3. What a cutie. Looks like he has been busy with those bulging cheeks.

  4. He is so cute! I think he has those cheek pouches well stuffed :-)

  5. About a month ago I had only one in my yard. Then a few days ago a second one showed up. The first one chased around in a circle and then ran it off. They are so tiny with white bellies and can go from one side of my yard where the bird feeders and bird bath are outside my bedroom/office window and ran lightning fast to hide behind the propane tanks. They have no problem eating seed on the ground right next to all the birds. Birds are definitely not afraid of this adorable little one.
