Wednesday, April 07, 2010

Water, Fish and Gulls:Great water spots for Watery Wednesday and Outdoor Wednesday.

A good place to watch for birds (Osprey, Spotted Sandpipers and Common Mergansers or to have a picnic or just a nice walk
Soon this location at The Falls will be full of activity. as Gaspereau make their way over the falls and go upriver to spawn. The gulls and Osprey take full advantage of the tiring, struggling fish as they attempt to leap the falls

Outdoor Wednesday is a delightful meme where you can enjoy almost any aspect of outdoors. This meme offers a wide choice of topic. To view contributions of others or to post your own contribution, please click on the Outdoor Wednesday pic on the right sidebar on this page and enjoy. A Happy Wednesday wish to all.
To see other contributions to the watery Wednesday meme, please scroll up the right hand side of this page until you come to the watery Wednesday icon, then click on it to add your contribution to Mr. Linky or to see contributions of others. Happy Wednesday to all.


  1. I just love your pictures! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Ravenous seagulls
    snatch hapless fish from river—
    delicious dinner!

    Choose a watery scene:
    Waters of adventure
    Fishing boats

  3. wow..that's pretty cool, seeing it catch the fish!

  4. magical mystical,
    How I enjoy your powerful comment! Your lines are so apt, describing the situation so well. Thank you, thank you, thank you! Ann

  5. Beautiful photos. Thanks for the comment you left in my blog. Helen

  6. Such beautiful pictures, Ann.

  7. Love the shots of that fish and the gull too! Wow!

  8. Water, water everywhere! Hey, you are at 99 Followers! Just one more for 100! Woohoo!

  9. Those are wonderful photos, Ann. The next best thing to being there.

  10. When i first opened your blog i sincerely said out loud ... "wow" ... impressive shots.

    I am posting and going back to read more.

    If you get a change to join us on Friday~~Finding Beauty I would love for you to share your Beauty! Its lovely.

    If you get a chance would love for you to stop by and say hi.

    TTFN Claudia ♥ ♥

  11. Fabulous shots!

    ~ Tracy

  12. All these great photos, love the water shots!

  13. Unbelievable nature photos. I can't imagine capturing these photos. Must be so fun.

    We're Mellow Yellow Monday neighbors. We signed in just after you in the "neighborhood."


  14. Oh my, what a lovely photos in here, it's all fantastic captures. I enjoy watching them. Thanks for sharing.

    I'll be following you, please follow mine.TY

  15. It looks pretty. Happy mellow yellow Monday.

    Mine is here

  16. Love those pictures; can't believe you were able to "catch" that fish.

    Thanks for sharing. The birds are just wonderful

  17. Great shots. Love your blog.

    Darryl and Ruth : )
