Friday, April 23, 2010

dark, cloudy skydrama for Looking at the sky on Friday

A sudden change in the sky accompanied by thunder rolling overhead alerted me to a sudden possible storm approaching but that was all that happened; the: sky did not cry. I didn't feel or experience any rainy sky tears. An hour or so later the sky returned to blue overhead, but it rained overnight as the ground is wet this morning. But thunder and rain showers are forecast for later this afternoon, we shall see. Happy Friday to all. We have newly returned bird visitors in bird Alley this morning, three White- throat d Sparrows.  And, yes, their pictures will be posted later


  1. I love that dramatic sky.We are in need of rain by now,they say that perhaps next week we will get some.Have a wonderful day.

  2. Beautiful stormy skies. But no rain? In our part of the world we would be grateful for that. We've had way too much.

  3. Wonderful moody skies, two beautiful images. We're going to be getting rain coming week here in Virginia. Have a great weekend Ann.

  4. Great photos of the skies. I'm thinking I should get out and walk soon as a big storm is coming our way this afternoon--maybe the same one that get you this weekend.

  5. They are both good but that top one is striking!

  6. I love those clouds Ann. They do look threatening, but I guess that was all there was to it.
    We are to get some rain and possibly thunder too Sat. night and on Sunday.
    I've seen one lonely White Throated sparrow.
