Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Wood Ducks for outdoor Wednesday

Of the photos I managed to get yesterday, this one above is my favourite, clearly showing the white eye of the female.and, in the photo below is the very colourful handsome male with his very distinctive markings
Usually I expect to find Wood Ducks on water, because they are ducks! But I have on occasion found Wood ducks perched in trees. This is not so unusual as Wood Ducks nest in tree cavities. I love finding a Wood duck in a tree! These photos below from my photo archives.Shown below is part of the wonder one can find outdoors!a male Wood Duck in a tree

I've been hoping to get some pictures of these Wood Ducks lately, although this year they seem to very elusive. Yesterday I found these five shown above;three handsome males and two white eyed female beauties. The pond water they were in appeared quite brown, the water probably has been stirred up by recent rain. This pond (shown above)used to part of a magnificent beaver dam. The dam has sincebeen successfully dismantled a few years ago due to possible danger of the pond overflowing onto the road or its surroundings. So far this year, I have found two great blue heron at this location and one kingfisher. I usually check out this pond every day. My special mayflower location is just a short distance up the road from the pond.. maybe I will look for the mayflowers there today

Outdoor Wednesday is a delightful meme that invites you to share the outdoors with others. The theme encompasses the outdoors, a topic within the theme of your choosing. to learn more of this meme or to share your view of the outdoors please click on the 'outdoor Wednesday' logo on the right of this page. Happy Wednesday outoor gathering to all


  1. Those a beautiful birds. We have a few here and we only see them occasionally. Thanks for sharing.

  2. I think wood ducks are so cute. Helen

  3. I enjoy going to little ponds, watch the ducks and feed them. I have a post for the future on some I saw. Nice job.

  4. Beautiful ducks! I love to photograph wildlife. On my blog today I have a tiny little bird that I don't know the name of. Perhaps you would. Cindy S

  5. Wood ducks are so handsome. You've captured them so well.
    They're quite plentiful here and that may be in part to the nesting program at our local bird conservation area. They place a number of nest boxes in the trees for these ducks. I'd love to see the babies come out of the houses but my timing is always off.

  6. I love ducks, and these photos are wonderful. A very good friend of mine has all different kind of ducks and I love going to her house looking at them.

  7. You got great pictures of these beautiful ducks.It still seems a little strange to see a duck in a tree,but they really do feel at home there.

  8. You are sooo right. It is greatd seeing wood ducks in the trees. My logic says it is normal but my brain is still jolted by the sight. Thanks for the photos.

  9. Love wood ducks! The first time I saw some females alone I didn't know what they were. Males are so easy to ID. Now that I know better, the females are also!

  10. Great sighting, I love wood ducks. they are so pretty and the male is so colorful.

  11. I love learning new things! To think that a duck can perch in a tree. I'd never believe it had I not seen your photo! Wonderful!


  12. I think they're handsome (and they know it). Beautiful shots.

  13. Beautiful pictures. I, too, love taking photos of nature!

    My boys love the outdoors and I know they would enjoy seeing those wood ducks!

    Thanks for stopping by! :)

    ~ Melanie

  14. The colors of the male are so wild! Nice to see both of them. I didn't know they sat in trees...neat!

  15. I have never seen a duck in a tree! What a great series of duck photos:)

  16. They all are pretty. happy SS!

    Mine is here

  17. It always surprises me that the males are so much prettier than the females. Beautiful captures!
