Thursday, April 01, 2010

Ducks in flight

The most common duck sightings Iasm seeing lately is groups feeding in wet fields. They are very elusive though for as soon as see my vehicle stopped on the roadway adjacent to the field, they immediately take off. What species? mostly Mallards and Black Ducks and I think there weere a couple of male Wood Ducks in the last picture.


  1. Beautiful shots. I watched sage grouse, snow geese and a host of other birds flying this morning and am on my way back out for more. Happy Easter.

  2. You know it is spring when all the birds start returning, great photos of them at play.

  3. It can be so hard to get photos when the birds don't like cooperating :-) However, you managed to get some good shots anyway! Catching them in the air is even harder!
