Sunday, April 04, 2010

Hooded Merganser and reflections forScenic Sunday

What a beautiful day it is today!!!! Quiet solitude accented this scene upon the water this morning.
Scenic Sunday is an opportunity to share your scenic surroundings with others. To learn more of this meme or to share your own contribution please click on the scenic Sunday icon on the right of this page. Have a great Sunday everyone.


  1. This is such a beautiful bird.Itried for the first time to get a picture of one.but failed.Maybe next time.Have Blessed Easter.

  2. Beautiful picture. After three days of snow here the sun is out. I agree, the sun is wonderful. I love your hoody.

  3. Great shot - Happy Easter to you!

  4. Beautiful image of the Hooded Merganser.

  5. Lovely pic of the Hooded Merganser, I saw my first a week ago at Saltholme Nature Reserve over here in the UK. Although the one I saw was more likely to be an escapee than a truly wild bird it was nonetheless quite beautiful. Great blog. Best wishes, Linda
