Tuesday, April 13, 2010

RedFlowers on a Red Maple for Ruby Tuesday

. We have two very old Maple trees standing alongside our driveway

They are aflame with colour this time of year when they produce red flowers. Soon, our driveway will be carpeted with red as the flowers drop to the ground. On Sunday evening I tried to take a picture of a distant sunset while standing on our second story deck,The light from the setting sun was a wonderful backdrop for this picture and it highlighted the 'red'maple flowers.Happy Ruby Tuesday to all. Ruby Tuesday is a meme hosted by Mary, the Teach, that celebrates red. To see more contributions to this meme or to share your own red for
Ruby Tuesday please click on the Ruby Tuesday icon on this page on the right hand side.


  1. What stunning colors. Love the brights with the grays. Flaming beauty.

  2. Second shot just right. Maples are a great crimson when the spring is in bloom. Happy RT
    My Ruby Link for you

  3. Love that last picture.I hope your day is filled with wonder.

  4. I've seen the flowers from the Maple trees here too, and they actually cast a red hue to the surroundings.
    Pretty shot Ann.
