Monday, April 12, 2010

Tree Swallows- They're Back!

Their cheerful noisy bird chatter alerted us to their presence! This is early for Tree Swallows and usually they are around for about a week before we see that thay have entered the bird house. Not so this year. Tthere was one inside the house already this morning.Fortunately the bird house had been prepared: cleaned and painted last week in anticipation of their arrival!We think it helps to advertise. This sign was made by our creative daughter Riel Nason several years ago. It has worked every year as we always have occupancy and we have enjoyed these lovely birds around our garden each spring/summer season ever since we put the house up several years ago.Welcome Back feathered Friends!


  1. I used to love to watch them around piers and under bridges when we fished a lot. They do have a pretty little song. Helen

  2. Lucky you.I would love to have Tree Swallows nest on the yard.

  3. They are really beautiful! I love their color. I think your new paint job and the sign were the reason they hurried to move in :-)

  4. No Swallows at my house yet, but their hotel is trady and waiting.
    They are so cute, and I love how they harrass my cats.

